Fighting more than Fakes

The Challenge
The owner of a successful brand of consumer apparel products was already utilising Eluceda security taggants as a covert identifier built into the labels used on the brand. Eluceda supplied the taggant with a carefully protected Chain-of-Custody. Still, it was embedded by the label printer, an Eluceda partner and brand security expert. Because the taggant was embedded in a layer beneath the label’s coating, it was both covert and impossible to remove without destroying the label.

While the solution was working well, the company wanted to deepen its relationship with its brand security expert and further capitalise on its investment in brand security taggant. Were there other ways to make these tools work for the brand owner?

The Solution
Eluceda has a great deal of experience working with brand security experts like the label printer. This approach has allowed Eluceda to educate its partners on the many ways taggant can be used. The label printer knew Eluceda taggant could easily be integrated into several print industry substrates. It can also be layered over other brand security technologies for an additional covert layer of security.

They also knew anti-counterfeiting was only one use of these covert security tools. In partnership with the brand security specialist, Eluceda delivered a seminar to the brand owner detailing additional benefits for the taggant that were already being specially formulated for the brand.

The Results
Eluceda MicroTagg™ provided a reliable, cost-effective solution.
MicroTagg™ allows for detection at low dosage levels. Inspectors could rapidly move through the client’s giant distribution centers, scanning enormous quantities of products. Counterfeit products were identified, and the company and the U.S. government dealt with the problem of distribution centres efficiently. The brand security specialist was the hero.

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